flowOS 2.6 updates :: where’s the fish mode?

We just launched flowOS2.6 for flowtoys vision props & capsule 2 lights!

If you’ve updated your firmware and are wondering where is the fish mode – we’ve moved it to P2M10/ rainbow strobe. It used to be in P1M6/ water, but we’ve made water more like water and less like a fish 😉 Check out this video for more reveals in the new fish mode!
Released in 2021.06, this new firmware took feedback from users, improvements from the clava lamp, and has many new updates and features, including:
• updated vision & capsule modes
• new kinetic response setting (p5m4)
• updated auto-sleep options (p5m5)
• updated auto-play timing options
• new standby setting (p5m6) based on user feedback to help w/ battery life
• improvements to grouping, charging behavior, indicators etc.

There are also many invisible changes to enable some exciting features in the upcoming flowtoys app​, so make sure to update the firmware on all your props.

Check out the release notes here:


Download & install the new firmware updater + firmware:

Juggle the amazing vision clubs here:

Spin vision poi, staffs, chucks, sabers and more here:

Spin podpoi – the world’s favorite LED poi here:

Twirl the world’s best LED baton here:

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