presenting flowOS 2.6 :: firmware update for flowtoys connect props

Presenting flowOS2.6 for flowtoys vision props & capsule 2 lights!
Released in 2021.06, this new firmware took feedback from users, improvements from the clava lamp, and has many new updates and features, including:
• updated vision & capsule modes
• new kinetic response setting (p5m4)
• updated auto-sleep options (p5m5)
• updated auto-play timing options, and
• new standby setting (p5m6) based on user feedback to help w/ battery life.

There are also many invisible changes to enable some exciting features in the upcoming flowtoys app​, so make sure to update the firmware on all your props!

Download & install the new firmware updater + firmware:

Juggle the amazing vision clubs here:

Spin vision poi, staffs, chucks, sabers and more here:

Spin podpoi – the world’s favorite LED poi here:

Twirl the world’s best LED baton here:

– Access the full flowtoys range of LED & day props at:

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